UN Human Rights Office – Humanitarian Funds Fellowship Programme 2020


The United Nations Human Rights Office manages two Humanitarian Funds: the United Nations Voluntary Fund for Victims of Torture and the United Nations Voluntary Trust Fund on Contemporary Forms of Slavery.

Each Fund is mandated to channel direct assistance to victims of these human rights violations,through grants to civil society organizations. The Humanitarian Funds run a fellowship programme, which aims to give young professionals with experience working for human rights organizations, notably on issues related to victims of torture and/or modern slavery, the opportunity to gain first-hand knowledge and skills of these issues within the United Nations system.

Through this programme, fellows will gain working-level experience with the United Nations human rights system in the field of torture and slavery, including the evaluation and management of grants. Upon completion of the programme, fellows will bring back acquired capacity and skills to their community and/or organization.

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➢ This call for applications(open until 19 December 2019) is for two fellowship positions, assigned to the Humanitarian Funds Secretariat, within the United Nations Human Rights Office, based in Geneva, Switzerland

➢ The fellowship position is offered from 1 March to 31 December 2020(with probationary period of two months). A further extension for 2021 May be possible, pending availability of funding and taking into account the interest, motivation and performance of the incumbent.


• Solid knowledge and at least two years of professional experience in human rights and/or related field, with a particular focus on torture and/or modern slavery;
• Knowledge of the United Nations system will be considered an asset;
• Fluency in spoken and written English is required; knowledge of another United Nations language, in particular French and/or Spanish,is an asset;
• Experience and/or knowledge of forms of direct assistance (including legal, medical, psychological and social services to victims of human rights violations),as well as experience in project management is also an asset;
• Qualified candidates working with organizations,which receive funding from the Humanitarian Funds,are encouraged to apply.Selected candidates are encouraged to share the knowledge and experience obtained during their fellowship to colleagues upon their return

Selection Process

Candidates should submit their application directly to the Humanitarian Funds Secretariat no later than 19 December 2019 by e-mail: mercole@ohchr.org

The application should contain the following:

a. fully completed and signed application form and;

b. letter of recommendation from the human rights organization where the applicant works/ed

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The Secretariat of the Humanitarian Funds will undertake the selection process.The evaluation of qualified candidates may include an interview and a written exam.The Secretariat’s recommendations will be shared with the Funds’ Boards of Trustees, and all candidates will be notified of the decision by e-mail


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