U.S Government TechWomen Emerging Leaders Program 2020 for Women in STEM to study in the United States of America


TechWomen aims to empower, connect and support the next generation of women leaders in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) by providing them access and opportunity to advance their careers, pursue their dreams, and become role models for women and girls in their communities.

TechWomen supports the United States’ global commitment toward advancing the rights and participation of women and girls around the world by enabling them to reach their full potential in the tech industry.

Launched in 2011, TechWomen is an initiative of the U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs (ECA) and is managed by the Institute of International Education (IIE).


Applicants must:

  • Be women with, at minimum, two years full-time professional experience in the STEM (science, technology, engineering and math) fields. Please note that internships and other unpaid work experience does not count toward the two-year professional experience requirement.
  • Have, at minimum, a bachelor’s degree/four-year university degree or equivalent.
  • Be proficient in written and spoken English.
  • Be citizens and permanent residents of Algeria, Cameroon, Egypt, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Kenya, Kyrgyzstan, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Nigeria, Pakistan, the Palestinian Territories, Rwanda, Sierra Leone, South Africa, Tajikistan, Tunisia, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan or Zimbabwe at the time of application and while participating in the program.
  • Be eligible to obtain a U.S. J-1 exchange visitor visa.
  • Not have applied for an immigrant visa to the United States (other than the Diversity Immigrant Visa, also known as the “visa lottery”) in the past five years.
  • Not hold U.S. citizenship or be a U.S. legal permanent resident.

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Preference will be given to applicants who:

  • Demonstrate themselves as emerging leaders in their chosen professional track through their work experience, volunteer experience, community activities and education.
  • Are committed to return to their home countries to share what they have learned and mentor women and girls.
  • Have limited or no prior experience in the United States.
  • Have a proven record of voluntary or public service in their communities.
  • Have a demonstrated track record of entrepreneurialism and commitment to innovation.
  • Demonstrate a willingness to participate in exchange programs, welcome opportunities for mentoring and new partnership development, and exhibit confidence and maturity.


Covered Costs

The following costs are covered by the TechWomen program:

  • Roundtrip international airfare from participant home country to the United States
  • Domestic airfare from San Francisco to Washington, D.C.
  • Housing in San Francisco or Sunnyvale, California during the mentorship period
  • Meals and incidentals
  • Hotel stay in Washington, D.C.
  • Public transportation to the participant’s host company
  • Local transportation to group program events in the San Francisco Bay Area and Washington, D.C.


TechWomen participants will be housed in San Francisco or Sunnyvale, California, depending on the location of the participant’s host company. Participants will share an apartment with a fellow Emerging Leader. Each participant will have her own private bedroom, while the living room and kitchen will be shared.

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Selection Timeline

The 2020 TechWomen application will close on 09:00AM PST (GMT-08:00), Wednesday, January 15, 2020. Semifinalists will be contacted via email in/around April 2020. Final decisions will be made no later than May 31, 2020. All applicants will be notified of the results of their application.


November 20, 2019: 2020 program application opens
January 15, 2020: 2020 program application closes
April 2020: Semifinalists are contacted
May 2020: Final selection decisions are made
September – October 2020: U.S. TechWomen program


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