The Academy of Medical Sciences Global Challenges Research Fund Networking Grants 2020
The scheme allows researchers from across disciplines and from developing countries and the UK to hold networking events, to forge new links and generate innovative transdisciplinary research ideas to address global challenges. We expect that these new networks will then be better equipped to apply for larger grants offered by the GCRF programme and other funding initiatives.
The Academy of Medical Sciences is delighted to be working with the British Academy, the Royal Academy of Engineering and the Royal Society to offer Global Challenges Research Fund (GCRF) Networking Grants, available through the GCRF, which is part of the UK’s Official Development Assistance (ODA).
Eligibility Requirements
Applicants can be from any discipline, and applications should focus on building a collaborative network. Therefore proposals should be submitted jointly by a lead overseas researcher from a developing country and a lead researcher based in the UK.
To be eligible to apply, both applicants must:
- Have completed a PhD or have experience at an equivalent level
- Have proven research experience in their field
- Hold a permanent position at an eligible institution (in the UK or a DAC-listed country), or a fixed term contract for the duration of the award
How to apply
There will be two further rounds of this grant scheme in 2020, Round 6 (open until 31 March 2020) and Round 7 (opening in Summer 2020).
You may also check:
- New Zealand Government Scholarships 2020/2021 for study in New Zealand
- 2020 Japan International Award for Agricultural Researchers
- The African Population and Health Research Center (APHRC) paid Internship Opportunities in research for postgraduate students
Applications are invited from researchers affiliated to institutions in DAC-listed countries in collaboration with researchers within eligible UK higher education institutions (HEIs).
Projects for Round 6 must start between 31 October 2020 and 31 December 2020, and the funding will last for one year. Full details of eligibility for this scheme are outlined in the guidance, which can be downloaded from the right side of this page. Please read this carefully before submitting an application.
Please contact the grants team if you have any queries on 0203 1413 246, or email us at