GIZ/ECREEE Call for Clean Energy Entrepreneurs from West Africa


Call for applications to Entrepreneurs, Operators of Clean Energy Mini Grids in the English and Portugese-speaking ECOWAS Member States: Carbo Verde, Gambia, Ghana, Guinea Bissau, Liberia, Nigeria, Sierra Leone

Target Group: Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) working on Clean Energy Mini-grid legally


Interested enterprises must provide all the information required, inclusing:

  • Application submission letter
  • General information on the enterprise
  • Previous or current experience regarding Clean energy mini-grids (CEMG)
  • Experience in renewable energy projects (development, construction and operation) generally for those not already having experience on CEMG;
  • CVs of the company’s key staff as well as of the proposed staff to participate in the regional capacity building training

You are encouraged to propose a Female participant, the gender balance among employees will be rated for the enterprise.
Updated organisational chart of the company including total number of employees

Portfolio of on-goingand /or expected installation, construction, devlopment or operation of CEMGs
Main challenges experienced so far with CEMGs

You may also check:

N.B all provided information will strictly be used for the evaluation of the application and will be treated with the maximum discretion.

For any question related with the application process, interested enterprises can contact: / /


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