Enel Foundation Open Africa Power 2020 edition: Call for applications

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Enel Foundation announced today the launch of the Open Africa Power 2020 call for applications and confirmed the new edition will start in February 2020. The third edition of the flagship training initiative will host its African residential module in South Africa, in partnership with the Graduate School of Business at the prestigious University of Cape Town.

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The Open Africa Power selection process is an open, merit-based, competition. The application period opens on 1st October, 2019, and closes on 31st October, 2019. To be eligible, candidates must meet the following criteria:

•Be between the ages of 24 and 35 by 13th January,2020;
•Be a citizen of an African country;
•Currently resident in an African country or planning to relocate in Africa within the end of 2020;
•Be eligible to travel to South Africa and Italy. Depending on your country of residence, your passport must be valid for one to three months AFTER the date of departure from South Africa, in order to be eligible for a visa (e.g. 15th March or 15th May 2020). All candidates are invited to check well in advance the procedure applicable to their specific case;

•Having graduated from or being a student (having an admission letter is also acceptable) of a PhD,MSc, LLM, MPP or MBA degree. Undergraduate students or people who are not at least enrolled in a master’s degree are not eligible for this program. One of the two degrees (Bachelor or Masters)must be from an African University;
•Have competences and a demonstrated interest to pursue a career –in private or public sector -in the electricity space at large;
•Be fully proficient in English.

Program Structure

•Online Module and Exams
The online module Regulation for Universal Access to Energy will start on January 13th and will end on May 18th. This course will enable the learners to gain a comprehensive vision on howto design appropriate policy and regulatory framework needed to ensure sustainable energy for all. Successful completion of this course is required to be selected for the Italian Module.

•African Module: State of the Art This five-day module will occur between 10th to 14th February 2020. It will take place in South Africa at the Graduate School of Business within the University of Cape Town. The module will explore the fundamentals of the global electricity sector through the lenses of sustainable development goals. It will cover the following areas:

o Networks technology, regulation,economics;
o Renewables technology, regulation,economics;
o ICT digitalization of the electricity industry

The faculty will consist of local and international experts both from academia and industry.Following the African Module, participants will be asked to put forward a research abstract .

How to Apply

Applications are to be filed through our dedicated platform exclusively. Please click on the link and copy-paste the following code in order to begin the process: Applicants must provide:

•A copy of their CV;
•Copy of their Bachelors and Masters degree certificates AND academic transcripts;
•A copy of their Passport;
•A motivation letter;
•Three reference letters from industry, academia and/or civil servant representatives.


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